Graphics tutorials
On this page I have gathered a few tutorials/how-to guides on computer graphics.
To have a look, please choose a series from the Main courses listing - or pick a specific item from the expanded Menu below...
(I just had to include some ascii art here - for the pure fun of it..! ;)
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- Nambafa's pixel graphics tutorial:
- Denthor's VGA Trainer Program:
- Intro - Introduction
- Part 1 - MCGA mode, putpixel
- Part 2 - Pallettes, verticle retrace, fading
- Part 3 - Circles and lines
- Part 4 - Virtual screens
- Part 5 - Scrolling
- Part 6 - Look-up tables
- Part 7 - Animations
- Part 8 - 3D objects
- Part 9 - Polygons
- Part 10 - Chain-4
- Part 11 - Cross-fading
- Part 12 - Full screen scrolling
- Part 13 - 3D startfields
- Part 14 - Glenzing, faster polygons, fixed point and assembler
- Part 15 - Plasmas
- Part 16 - Scaling bitmaps
- Part 17 - Pixel morphing and statics
- Part 18 - PCX files and file packing
- Part 19 - Flame effect
- Part 20 - 3D hidden face removal and face sorting
- Part 21 - Texture mapping